Lenticular 3D Calculator
This calculator is used to capture the photographs needed to make an Ortho 3D lenticular photo
Guidelines for using the lenticular 3D calculator:
It is assumed that the user has basic minimum knowledge of process of making a lenticular photo. The process of interlacing/printing/alignment of printed sheet to lenticular lens/lamination are not explained here.​
Lpi : Lens per inch of lenticular sheet
Printer Dpi : Resolution of the printer you intend to use. Also the resolution of the working document in photo editing software (like photoshop, GIMP)
Final printed image width: Desired width of final physical lenticular photo after cropping
Final printed image height: Desired height of final physical lenticular photo after cropping
Buffer : This is an extra width added to the final printed width for calculation so that even if the stereobase is not placed at the center of the desired scene, some extra lateral extension of the scene is covered in photography so that the final crop can be adjusted to a little left or right so that the desired scene is covered. It can be left 0, but recommended value is 10
Camera Orientation: Portrait or Landscape
Subject width in printed photo and Subject width in actual scene: This is used to estimate the magnification factor and is explained with an example. If you plan to make a 30 cm width lenticular photo of a human head in center with surroundings as background and human head is 10 cm in the final printed photo but actual human head physical width is 20 cm. Therefore subject width in printed photo is 10 cm and subject width in actual scene is 20 cm and magnification factor is 2. You can take any item in the scene and use its width to calculate magnification factor.
Distance between zero plane and foremost object (in mm): It is measured in the physical scene. For example for Face portrait photo with eyes plane as zero plane and tip of the nose as foremost object, this value will be around 25 mm
3D projection percentage: For best results put this value as 100 percent. If the value is more than 100 then the 3D effect is more but there is blurring and if it is less than 100 then the 3D effect is less but no blurring. This parameter in the calculator considers only forward projection since relatively some degree of blurring in accepted in the background due to relative positions of the objects in the scene with the background.
Camera sensor smaller dimension and larger dimension: This can be known from your Camera specs. This detail is used to do calculations even for crop sensor cameras since the focal length mentioned on lenses are intended for full frame cameras ( 36mm x 24 mm)
This calculator can be used to calculate
Stereobase of the Photography
Focal length of the Camera
Distance between Zero plane and Camera.
If one parameter is known, the other two can be calculated.
Additionally the following are calculated for the ease of lenticular artist:
Actual scene width
The number of photographs to be taken
The positions on stereobase from where the photographs to be taken and the results displayed are in mm from left to right on stereobase.
The document width and height to process in the image editing software. (Ex: in Photoshop, the canvas width and height). The images captured on stereobase are to be number 1,2,3,... from left to right and to be placed in the image editing software with above calculated document size.
Image displacement in pixels: The results displayed shows how many pixels lateral displacement of the corresponding image. The minus value indicates moving to left and positive value indicates moving the image to the right.
The stereobase shoud be placed at the center of the scene and parallel to zero plane.
This calculator does not take into account the vertical alignment. It can be done manually. It is recommended that you enter the final printed image width and height a little bit more than the intended size so that any vertical alignment (if needed) can be accommodated.
After all the images are displaced, the document is cropped to center with width equal to "Final printed image width" which we entered earlier. Then all images are exported and these images are ready for Interlacing.
The calculations happen real time after changing parameters, so please wait for few seconds for the calculations to happen and return accurate values without errors.
Recheck again with same parameters after refreshing the page again, just to make sure the results are accurate and your efforts are not wasted.
Derived factors
Working width is
Working height is
Number of Images:​
Actual scene width:
Stereobase camera placement in mm
Focal length
Distance between zero plane and camera
Image displacement in editor (in pixels)